Voting Criteria for the Nollywood YouTube Excellence Awards (NYEA)

The Nollywood YouTube Excellence Awards are committed to celebrating the best of Nollywood through a democratic and viewer-cantered voting process. Here’s how viewers can participate in determining the winners across various categories:

  1. Viewer-Driven Nominations: Viewers have the opportunity to nominate films directly on our official website. Films must be available on YouTube and should have been released between January 1, 2020, and August 31, 2024. All nominations are subject to verification to ensure they meet our eligibility criteria, including adherence to YouTube’s community guidelines.
  2. Public Voting Portal: Once the nomination period closes, all eligible films will be listed on our voting portal. Viewers can cast their votes for their favourite films in each category. This phase is critical as it directly determines the finalists and winners.
  3. One Vote Per Category: To ensure fairness, each viewer is allowed one vote per category. This method encourages thoughtful consideration and prevents vote manipulation.
  4. Transparent Voting Process: The entire voting process is transparent. We will provide regular updates on voting trends and final counts will be auditable to ensure legitimacy and fairness.
  5. Security Measures: Advanced security measures will be implemented to safeguard the integrity of the voting process. This includes protection against bots and ensuring that votes are cast by genuine viewers.
  6. Announcement of Winners: Winners will be announced during a live-streamed event on YouTube, allowing viewers from around the world to join in the celebration. The results will reflect the collective voice of the audience, highlighting their role in shaping the awards.

These criteria aim to ensure that the NYEA honours the best of Nollywood’s offerings on YouTube, promoting high standards and celebrating the creative talents.